The goal of the Sultan Global Group (SGG)’s Financial and Investment Advisory Practice is to provide clients, particularly those without in-house capacity, financial and investment advice on large projects.

While developers worry about planning and construction major projects, SGG’s Financial and Investment Advisory Practice can provide comprehensive financial and investment analysis of the project along with future projections which provides comfort to the leader of a project that their investment is well-protected financially while they make the tough planning decisions and arrange logistics.


Many large corporations have financial and investment advisory capability in house, but many small- and medium- enterprises along with individual investment and development projects do not possess this function, but need detailed financial and investment analysis and forecasting in order to approach investors.

Our advisory doesn’t end with the report – we provide support through the investor outreach, communication, and negotiation process.

In addition to analyzing a particular project, SGG can provide clients with a clear picture of the market. From analysis to research to competitive analysis, we can assist the client in understanding how their investment ranks in their industry.

This is a meticulous process – our director and his team typically conduct a round of initial research, including a review of published and unpublished sources, face-to-face interviews, on-the-ground site visits, and workshops.

In addition to analyzing the finances of the project and conducting forecasts and market studies, we can provide advice around the economic, social and fiscal impacts of the project.

Major projects have noteworthy economic impacts on their areas, including the creation of new jobs and spending. It is important to understand and relay these impacts clearly and deliberately, to help stakeholders comprehend the issues involved.


To estimate the economic effects appropriately, it is vital to understand the primary business model and opportunity.

SGG specializes in delivering impact analysis that is based on market insight and personalized for the specific stakeholder. A major project will also generate new taxes and other public sector revenues, as well as direct and indirect costs related to providing infrastructure or other services to the development.

As a result, it is critical that your advisors are able to provide a fiscal impact analysis that can relay a project’s true value.

Howard Lee | Director
(281) 704 7370

Mr. Lee has worked in the renewable energy sector in a number of finance and analysis positions. He has worked on or led various financings for wind, solar, and biomass power projects. In his position as Vice-President of Finance for Zilkha Biomass, Howard leads the financing of the company’s biomass fuel factory in Selma, Alabama.

For the project, Mr. Lee arranged a number of financings that included tax-exempt bonds, New Market Tax Credits, and EB-5 financings. Mr. Lee holds a B.S. degree in economics from the University of Chicago and an MBA from Rice University.